Julie Suhr – 76 yr. Old Endurance Rider


Julie Suhr just turned 76. She lives in Scott’s Valley near Santa Cruz, California. For over thirty years, she has ridden in cross county endurance races of 30, 50, and 100 miles each. Starting in 1968, Julie began riding the coveted 100-mile, one-day Tevis Cup race.

She has started the race 28 times and finished 22, with three Haggin Cup wins, the award given to the horse among the top ten finishers, which is judged to be in the best condition to continue.

Julie says that her ability to still ride long distances is directly attributed to good health, and a supportive husband.

Julie says there are some changes she has noticed from a lifetime of riding, and some things to keep in mind when “riding into your 70’s”. First, “polish up your sense of humor”. The thing that does not change with age is the thrill of a good ride on a good horse”.


She admits that the confidence she used to take for granted is tempered by the reality of knowing that if she goes off she could break a hip. She knows her reflex actions and balance are nowhere near as sharp and quick as they once were.

She feels that if you are going to continue to compete, the selection of endurance prospects is reduced. She now likes to buy a horse keeping the 6 “S’s” in mind; Safe, Sane, Short (14.2 or 3 at most), Smooth, Sound and Sure-Footed.

She has noticed some other changes brought on by the years. She is more sensitive to hunger and thirst. Julie says that she rode her first Tevis Ride (over 30 years ago) with “not a single drop of liquid or food.” She now carries four water bottles on her saddle.

Her most important addition to her riding gear is her survival fanny pack, which she wears around her waist. “This is my security blanket. It goes where I go.”

In case of a fall off her horse, she will have on her body:

A space blanket.
A glowstick to fend off wild animals, or to attract attention.
A knife with an easy-to-open blade.
A small leatherman tool that has many uses.
Some waterproof matches.
A couple of leather thongs for quick repairs.
Some benadryl in case of attack by killer bees.
A few Advil in case of pain.
A short, small pencil with a tiny notepad. She says the point always breaks the first time you put it in your pack, but no problem, you can sharpen it with your knife.
Lastly, a lipstick, “Because you never know who you are going to run into out there.”

Julie also says that her thermostat no longer works as well as it used to. “I am much more apt to be too cold or too hot than in previous years.

She likes Polar fleece that zips up the front so that you can get it off and on without removing your helmet, and is easy to tie around your mid-section with just one loop while riding.


Julie is sure that “the two discoveries that have meant the most to mankind are not the discovery of fire or the invention of the wheel. They are polar fleece and Velcro.”

She has also switched from an English to an endurance type saddle that has a deeper seat and a rounded pommel in the front to give her more support.

Julie continues to go to at least one endurance ride a month, and is often accompanied by her husband and trail companion, Bob, who rode his first endurance ride, the Tevis, at the age of 58. He rode his last 50 miler at age 84.


Julie Suhr crossed the finish line of the 2007 Shine and Shine Only Endurance ride, for her 30,000th mile of Endurance competition.

Now, that is called … inspiration!

Link:  “Ten Feet Tall, Still” by Julie Suhr

Discover the world of endurance riding:  This engaging true story is not for horse lovers alone, but for all ages and all walks of life who have ever had dreams.

Link:   Tevis Cup ~ Earlier Post

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10 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. This is absolutely inspiring!

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  2. This is the most hopeful article to me, ever! I have wondered how more years DH and I have to trailride. But, reading that at 76 it can still be done and that Suhr’s husband didn’t even start until 58 changes my perspective.

    How inspiring it is to know that getting older won’t necessary mean limitations to do what we love and enjoy.

  3. Hi Jolynna
    The clock is ticking here …so this story gives us a goal.

    My husband is convinced riding keeps people young. He tells me that he is 70 something, but I don’t believe him, especially when he’s out on his horse. He refuses to be limited by any age numbers. 🙂

    He looks like a country gentleman going down the trail. He grew up riding bareback, rode his horse to school and would give up his car before letting go of his horse and saddle.

    By comparison, I’m a novice who spent too much time in the arena jumping … things. My husband saw absolutely no purpose in that at all. He introduced me to the joys and thrills of riding through nature. I was hooked.

    However, the endurance rides … now that is something else. An inspiration, indeed, at any age for all of us.

  4. wow! I hope to still be in the saddle when I am old too. This woman gives me HOPE. Endurance riding is no easy thing either. wow!

  5. Hi Barngoddess,
    Something interesting I’ve discovered about the “older set”. Many think they are still 18 yrs old. Perhaps that is the answer … along with having horses, of course.

    I’m told there is a man in his upper 80’s that still surfs the big waves in our area. Another amazing person with a zest for life!

  6. Wow! Just wow! She’s a wonderful inspiration to the rest of us!!

  7. A couple of years back they had an article in the AHA magazine about geriatric riders. Seemed like most of the ones they featured where in their 70’s. They were doing all kinds of things from riding and winning in endurance to training and showing their own English pleasure horses to the national level. That article made me feel like I should have lots of time to get some serious horse riding in! lol

  8. National level and endurance riding! Truly amazing, isn’t it?

    Those older riders make me think that perhaps when I’m “over the hill” …I just might still be on a horse.

  9. Inspiring, indeed! I hope to be the subject of such a post 40 years from now! 😀 I’ve heard nothing but good about “Ten Feet Tall, Still” and am off to order it ASAP.

  10. This is very inspiring! i compete in ride and tie, its an endurance race and foot race between two people and a horse. rideandtie.org

    and i am also competing in endurance races with my Arabian and i hope to still be going at 76 to! WOOHOO!

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