Simply Marvelous: In The Hunt Seat, Again


Welcome to my Journal about the Wonderful World of Horses.

Since my name is Marvel, I’ve chosen to call this collection … Simply Marvelous.  This perfectly describes my life with horses and my world as an equestrian.

In these pages are remarkable stories of horses and people, astounding adventures and their inspiring accomplishments, as well as equine  photographs to enjoy.

Your comments on any story or photo are most welcome.

So, now I shall trot off in search of the interesting, fascinating and amazing things happening in the Wonderful World of Horses.

Yes, I’m back in the hunt seat … looking for people who love horses as I do.

It’s a lovely world,  especially when viewed from horseback.


Thanks for stopping by … you just made my day.


Published on January 26, 2007 at 3:33 pm  Comments (23)  

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23 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Yay Thelwell ponies! I’ve rarely come across people outside my family who know of them. Aren’t they the greatest? There’s a Haflinger mare at the therapeutic stable where I volunteer who looks just like a real, live Thelwell pony.

    An adorable Haflinger? Well, aren’t you the lucky one! Yes, I can well imagine it does look like a Thelwell pony.

  2. Growing up in England, my friends and I all seemed to have “Thelwell” ponies. I close my eyes and see us riding across the hills and vales with our chubby ponies and pigtails flapping in the breeze. Such wonderful memories! No-one here seems to know what I am talking about when I mention them! Great stuff Marvel!

    Hi Jill,
    Now, I could have guessed that you would have a “Thelwell” pony and that you went riding across the English countryside.

  3. Hey Marvel-
    Congratulations on all that you’ve done! It must have been amazing to ride across the country. I actually have plans to do the same. I am a musician and I work at a horse ranch in California (Ricochet Ridge Ranch). I am hoping to ride from CA to my home in New Hampshire. I want to have the ride planned out totally before I go so I know my horse will have water and places to rest. This is something I have wanted to do since I was a little girl and I decided that at the end of next summer I’m going to do it. I am hoping to lease or buy a horse from the ranch, but I won’t tell the owner until I can show her that it’s all planned out. I also want to ride for something. This is something I have to give more thought, but my parents got divorced 3 years ago and the pain it caused was incredible. Everyone is healing now and wonderful things came out of it as well, but I know so many people go through this and I want to reach out to families in this situation-I just haven’t figured out exactly how I will tie this into it yet…I plan to set up gigs along the way and basically ride in to each club. Any CD’s I sell or donations will go towards whatever organization I finally decide to ride for. I would love to hear from you if you have the time-any tips would be so greatly appreciated.
    Thanks so much!
    Hello Linny,
    That sounds like a wonderful adventure! Bravo! Hope you will send me the details.
    All the best,

  4. Hello there Marvel,
    just found you from anothers blog of a know!
    I grew up with books with those ponies too…was 11 years younger than my sisters with the books, so did not realise the name of them, cause I was into the pictures..and then, my own fat pinto pony!
    I love your blog, be back soon!
    Hi Kacy,
    Sounds like you had your own “Thelwell” pony! Lucky you.

  5. Woe and Marge forwarded your blog address. It is amazing and so very well done! But then what would one expect from you other than that! Love, hugs, & prayers! Al & Gloriah Enderle
    Hi Al and Gloriah,
    What a treat to hear from you … and especially to have you visit my horse-y site! Hope to see you soon.

  6. Hey there! I’ve never been here before and sort of stumbled onto your site when looking up Shire horses on the web. I’m in love and broke. You know how that goes. Awesome to find a nifty site to bum around like yours and other horse nutty people! Wondrous!

    Hi Candi,
    Thanks for your message and for browsing around. Would love to see you, again.

  7. Marvel, I simply love your site. The photos and stories are very beautiful. “Simply Marvelous”.
    I live in Brazil.

    Hi Maria,
    How delightful to hear from you. Thanks very much for your kind words. Brazil … such a beautiful country!

  8. Thelwell ponies have always been my favorite, I did some of my growing up years in England, and fell in love with horses in general while there, and became quite familiar with Thelwell. This is a wonderful site.


    • Hi Denise,
      I agree with you, Thelwell ponies are just the greatest. Lucky you growing up in England, such a beautiful place.
      All the best,

  9. Hi Marvel

    We urgently need help spreading the word about two books, “The Horses of Proud Spirit” and “Hoof Prints: More Stories from Proud Spirit.” All proceeds go to the 71 rescue horses currently living at Proud Spirit Horse Sanctuary; an award winning 320 acre facility, and one of the longest existing privately run sanctuaries for horses in the United States. The books are a great read, truly an inspiration, and you’ll be helping a beautiful herd of deserving horses.


    • Hello Melanie,
      Thanks for the information about the books and your support of Proud Spirit Horse Sanctuary. I hope many people buy your books and help this wonderful cause.
      All the best,

  10. Hey Marvel! Such a beatiful website you have. And your story about your horse which passed away is really touched my heart.

    Im working in a pony club. And we liked this Thelwell above. Do you think we can use it in our flyer in Turkey?

    thanks from heart

    • Hello Naz,
      I’m always willing to share as long as the Thelwell people don’t mind.
      All the best,

  11. Hi Marvel, I love your blogs, your writing and photo’s. I am very worried about Royal. It has been about a year since you posted. Please give us a short update on Royal and your welfare. We don’t want to pry. Please let us know how you are doing. Gayle

    • Hi Gayle,
      Finally getting time to reply to your message. I don’t know what happened, but all of a sudden my life became much too busy.

      Happy to say … Royal is doing great. I’m so grateful for that! Will be back posting soon.
      All the best,

  12. I have read this blog for quite a while, and was wondering if all is right. I miss your entries.

    • Hi Linda,
      Thanks for checking in. Everything is fine. I’ve been, unfortunately, very busy, but will be back posting very soon.
      All the best to you,

  13. Very happy to hear you are just busy. Was thinking you might have had other issues. Best news of the day so far. I enjoy your site, it’s one of my favorites.

  14. I love horses, donkeys and mules. How wondeful to hear you are back doing what you love to do. Looking forward to more updates and stories with photos and video. GOD bless you. Melody

  15. Hi Marvel,
    Beautiful pictures…I am one of the organizers of the Lebanon Carriage Parade and would like to talk with you as we plan our 25th Anniversary I would like to ask for your help.

    Sara Arseneau

    • Hi Sara,
      Thanks for your message. I have sent you an email. Would be happy to help you! 25th Anniversary – how exciting!!
      All the best,

  16. Just found your blog, and loved your love for ponies. Ruço was some sort of haflinger who was bought by a friend at the Tui horse fair in Spain, in January 1993, sold to me l997 as a “ten year old” and was with us for 15 years, a wonderful personality who gave me so much. He died last February and I will always miss “Uncle Ru” (short for Rhubarb, whose formal name was Urso Ouro (Golden Bear) a.k.a. Rucifer!, Pooh Bear, Rue Pity Pooh, Pretty Pooh, Pooper, depending on the day. The vet cried when he died (he got into the bin of dried beets) at probably age 30/35.

    He was survived by his stable mate, a half Lusitano, half Gurrano pony, Boneca (a.k.a. Bonnie, Dolly, Bone Head, Princess, Sweetie Pie, Sweetheart, depending on the day. I bought her in 2008, when she was 8 years old, had had four colts and as bound for the butchers’ when I found her at a sale lot. She could hardly stand. You could fit your fist between any two ribs and she was one big case of worms, all her hooves were cracked in several places.

    The first month, she nonchalantly knocked my husband off his feet with her rib cage as she passed by him, and after he hit the ground, she walked on his arm and broke it. She used to hit us with her head when she first came to us five years go and hated all human kind, but we were patient and now takes very good care of us – my 85 year old husband is up at 7 a.m. to get her started in the morning without fail and croons to her when he thinks I’m not within earshot). I would trust her with my life, she’s like the sister I never had.

    I’m so glad when I find other people who love horses. because I live in a rural area outside a midevil town where many people think I’m rich because I have a horse, and they tell me they would like to eat her.

    What are you so busy about that you stopped writing your blog?

    • So sorry about “Uncle Ru”. That is the tough part about loving animals.
      Now about Boneca, that is a wonderful story. Aren’t they amazing when they finally trust and become your best friend.

      About my horse blog, I’ve been hanging out in the horse barn … need to get back to this posting, again.
      Thanks so much for your note, greatly enjoyed it.

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